Get In Touch

14 + 8 =

Address: PO Box 2338, Naivasha, Kenya 20117 

Phone: +254 (0) 736896294

email: editorial(at)



We Want Your Stories

Stories. Everyone loves a good story. Stories grip us. They enthrall us. They entertain and teach us at the same time. Old Africa magazine captures history through stories about East Africa’s past before they’re lost. Some stories can be found in old books and magazines about Africa. But many more stories are buried in the memories of those for whom Kenya is or was home. We need people who are willing to dig those stories out and write them for us.

We’re looking for well-told stories from East Africa’s past. A story retells a particular event from start to finish. Good stories should focus on some conflict and its resolution. We want tightly written prose with an emphasis on action. Stories should also unveil some forgotten corner of Kenya’s history.

If you can write your story and send it to us, we’d love to look at it. And if it meets our requirements, we’ll publish it. For some who have stories but don’t have the time or inclination to write, contact us and we’ll do our best to set up an interview date where you can tell Old Africa your story and we’ll write it for you.

What we need from you

Length: Average story length should be between 1000 and 1500 words. On rare occasions we will consider longer manuscripts. Short humorous stories for our Only in Africa page should not exceed 350 words in length.

Topics: We’re looking for human drama, adventure, pioneering efforts, humor, man versus nature, sporting events, hunting expeditions, faith-based stories and more.

Submission policy: Stories should be typed in double-spaced format and mailed to:

The Editors, Old Africa Magazine
Box 2338, Naivasha – 20117, Kenya

We will return unsolicited manuscripts only if accompanied by a self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage stamps.

You can also send your manuscript by e-mail.

Payment Rates: We pay Kenya-based writers Ksh. 1/- per published word. Payment is made upon publication. All published writers receive two free copies of the magazine in which their story appears.