Mel-el-Lek’s Mountain

Aberdares – place of mystery, drama and compelling events in Kenya’s unfoldiing story.
Each chapter begins as if seen through the eyes of Mel-el-Lek, a member of the Wandorobo people. In the Maa tongue Mel-el-lek means: “It is not easy.”All true accounts, the author takes the reader through events and some of the people behind them, that have kept the Aberdares at the vortex of so much of Kenya’s unfolding story.The author records his years as head of operations of Rhino Ark, the conservation body and its unique fund raising machine – Rhino Charge – that saw the completion of Africa’s longest fence successfully creating harmony between thousands of Aberdare farmers and its wildlife. First hand insights into the Aberdares and its precious forested water sources and the flagship species – rhino, elephant and bongo – that inhabit it, all become part of the narrative.
Available in Paperback from Amazon.