Hey Friends,

After 15 years I am retiring from my teaching post here a Houghton College. It has been a great job and I have enjoyed the hundreds of students who have patiently listened to my anthropological stores about Africa. I have especially enjoyed the spring semesters abroad, taking students to Tanzania and introducing them to Africa.

Many people have asked me what I plan to do in my retirement. I am not the sort of person who wants to just play golf and watch TV. Barb and I will continue to travel and I will give lectures, do some consulting and continue to take photos of wildlife. A number of people have asked me to write a blog. At first I resisted since I am a bit late in coming to terms with modern technology. But after some serious thought I have decided to give it a try. I am going to start by writing a blog every 2 weeks. I will not write about my daily life and state that I ate eggs and bacon for breakfast. Instead I will focus these blogs on stories from my life in Africa. Some of these stories will be adaptations of stories from my memoir “Drinking the Wind” and other books I have written. Others will be new stories or illustrations from my anthropological lectures. I will start with short stories, but perhaps later I will post some longer papers that are more philosophical, political or Christian in nature.

So plan to check my Blog every 2 weeks. And give me some feedback so I know what you think.    

Jon Arensen